Parish Council Surgeries

On the first Saturday of each month, the parish council will be holding a drop in session at Glebe Stores on Hautboy Lane for anyone to raise any point with the council.

Have you got a great idea for a community event?  A brilliant scheme in mind to help overcome rural isolation and loneliness?  Have you heard of something that happens in other communities that you've theough "We could do that in Warmington?"  COME ALONG AND LET US KNOW ALL ABOUT IT!

You may have something you wish the council to consider.... Funding for your community event, a new streetlight. a waste bin somewhere it's not considered, ways to let everyone know what's going on.

You may have a question about something the parish council cannot directly help with, but will almost certainly be able to help you find the person who can help.

Perhaps you are interested in joining the parish council to help make a difference to Warmington, or to join one of the committees of non-councillors who help the council in its decision making.


A new service starts this weekend....... a council surgery at which you can discuss any matters of concern or interest to you.  You can let the council know what it's doing well or where you think there's room for improvement.

Please come along for a coffee and a chat and let us know what we can do to improve life in Warmington.


Warmington2031 logo

Declaration of Yes vote in the referendum


Carried - thank you to everyone who voted.

The plan now goes before East Northamptonshire Council planning committee for final approval in December.


Parish Records day

This is a rare opportunity to view the parish registers, Warmington: A Record of the Village 2000, WW1 research and many other documents.

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5