School road closure

Warmington School Fayre will take place on Saturday 15th June, preceded by a children's parade, from 1.45pm.

For the safety of all involved, the parade roads will be closed for about 10 or 15 minutes just before 2 o'clock on that Saturday.

The Red Lion Golf Society
Guy Chilvers
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Tel: 07785 303042


The television programme Who Do You Think You Are? has highlighted this steadily growing hobby. Judging from emails sent to our village website we have a number of family historians interested in Warmington so there may be Warmington residents interested in researching their families elsewhere.

We are an informal group meeting at Oundle Methodist Chapel each month to share information and help each other in searching for our ancestors.
Our members are a mixture of beginners and more experienced family historians whose research covers families throughout the British Isles and overseas.
Visiting speakers join us to talk on interesting and relevant subjects and outings are arranged e.g. The National Archives at Kew in London.

Admission is free to members of the Northamptonshire Family History Society but a charge of £2 is made for visitors.
If you would like further information please feel free to contact Jenny Smith 01832 272061

Oundle Branch of the Northamptonshire Family History Society  Registered Charity No 288668

Young Voices of Warmington first entertained us at last Summer's "Just Friends" annual concert when they enchanted the audience by singing a medley of songs from the Musical "Mary Poppins". At Christmas they sang delightfully in the Church carol Service. Their theme was "Christmas Bells" and included  a reading of the poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow together with the singing of a carol.

This group will perform again at the Diamond Jubilee Concert in June and will be open to anyone between the ages of 7 and 12.

Rehearsals will commence in the Summer term.

Please contact Jean Fisher ( Tel 280401) if you are interested in joining the group. Thank you.


Warmington has had a very active branch of the Royal British Legion since 1935 prior to that date it was a sub committee of the Polebrook branch, it had also at it’s inauguration a Tansor section.

The first chairman of the branch held the post of headmaster of Warmington School Mr. B Wyke and it is noted on a circular from Northamptonshire British Legion the Headquarters for Warmington British Legion was listed as the Angell Inn, Warmington opposite the church.

Today the branch has seventeen members mainly ex servicemen  or women and others who give of their time many representing relatives who have served in the forces.

We oversee the welfare of our members whose health is failing or fall on hard times.

The Legion’s most noticeable event being the memorial service on the nearest  Sunday to Armistice day attending a service in our church  and recognition of our war dead at the memorial covering both World Wars.  At this event we also visit the war memorial at Tansor Church followed by a visit to the memorial for United States servicemen at Polebrook airfield often accompanied by current servicemen from the United States forces.  The event culminates at the Social Club with a buffet.

The Legion has a Standard in Warmington Church by the list of all those servicemen who served in the two world wars.

Our present standard is a gift from a village family and is displayed by a member of that family at many events of the Legion.

The Poppy appeal is of course our main event of the year which is to raise funds for the Legion to carry out it’s work of caring for those who have been less fortunate in life this is accompanied with a coffee morning, and various other events.

The Legion was involved in the initiative to have a flag pole within the village on which is displayed various national flags on their designated days.   Such is the view of the efforts of the Legion this flagpole was funded entirely by voluntary donations of the residents of Warmington.

The ideals of the Royal British Legion are maintained as they were on it’s formation, however numbers have dwindled as one would expect,  the armed forces are not so numerous and whilst still fighting very determined enemies on behalf of us all we are not witness to the death tolls of the world wars.   There will always be a demand for the Legion’s services and therefore appeal to all who feel they can help to ease the way forward to become members of the Legion.

We meet approximately four times per year and our committee is as follows.:

  • President: Vic Cooper.          01832 280732
  • Chairman: Vic Cooper           01832 280732
  • Vice Chairman: Ken Hodges 01832 280764
  • Secretary:   Derek Rowell     01832 280473
  • Treasurer: Colin Gilder
  • Standard Bearer: Richard Gilder.
  • Members;  Mrs Mary Hodges, Mr John Owen, Mr Eric Heath, Mrs Morag Wilson, Mr David Fisher, Mrs Glynnis  Hostead, Mr Bill Wilson,  Mr Robert Bosworth. Mr RE Enfield.

All enquiries can be addressed to any member.

Women of Warmington (WoW) started life in 2007.  We are a small ladies (you don’t have to be small!) group who meet monthly in Warmington. It is a great way to meet people if you are new to this village or if you have been here for ages.  We are also keen for women in the surrounding area to join as well. 

We usually meet on the third Monday of each month in Warmington Village Hall when we have a speaker or a demonstration at the meeting usually starts at 7.30. 

We have kept our annual subscription at £20 which is great value, non-members are also very welcome but pay  £3 on the night. 

If you would like any further information then please call Yvonne on 281212, Chris on 281459 or Rosemary on 07801 250574.