Warmington Cinema 2018

Warmington Cinema

Warmington Cinema is a voluntary, not for profit, monthly cinema run by village people. It is open to all, usually on the second Friday of the dark evening months. The films are screened in the Village Hall with the doors opening at 7:30pm and screenings starting at 8:00pm. Wine, juice and hot beverages are sold at the bar before the programme starts and during the interval. The evenings are widely seen as a friendly local social event. Current season titles are listed on the Warmington Website home page. Admission is £6 with the limited premier seating available at £6.50

Our film selections are chosen by local people for local people.

We look forward to welcoming you to our next performance.

If you are interested in any aspect of Warmington Cinema, including helping, please email Stuart , at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.